Miton UK Microcap Trust Plc - Result of Annual General Meeting

LEI: 21380048Q8UABVMAG916


Result of Annual General Meeting

The Company announces that at its Annual General Meeting held on 24 September 2024, all resolutions were passed on a show of hands.

The proxy votes received in relation to these resolutions were as follows:

|Resolutions  |Votes For (including  |%    |Votes Against|%    |Votes withheld|
|             |Chairman's Discretion)|     |             |     |              |
|Resolution 1 |29,858,603            |99.91|26,793       |0.09 |13,970        |
|Resolution 2 |29,623,418            |99.39|182,455      |0.61 |93,493        |
|Resolution 3 |29,646,252            |99.45|164,621      |0.55 |88,493        |
|Resolution 4 |23,522,652            |78.92|6,283,221    |21.08|93,493        |
|Resolution 5 |29,648,796            |99.46|162,077      |0.54 |88,493        |
|Resolution 6 |23,502,652            |78.85|6,303,221    |21.15|93,493        |
|Resolution 7 |29,723,432            |99.64|106,252      |0.36 |69,682        |
|Resolution 8 |29,840,562            |99.85|44,796       |0.15 |14,008        |
|Resolution 9 |29,836,146            |99.87|37,408       |0.13 |25,812        |
|Resolution 10|28,558,806            |95.53|1,336,648    |4.47 |3,912         |
|Resolution 11|28,461,716            |95.34|1,390,538    |4.66 |47,112        |
|Resolution 12|29,798,848            |99.78|66,785       |0.22 |33,733        |
|Resolution 13|29,801,643            |99.83|52,190       |0.17 |45,533        |


Significant Votes Against:

The Board is pleased that all resolutions were duly passed but notes the proportion of votes cast against Resolutions 4 and 6, the re-election of Peter Dicks and the re-election of Ashe Windham respectively, by shareholders was over 20%.   Although the votes against the Resolutions represents 8.1% of the total voting rights of the Company, the views of all the Company's shareholders are extremely important to the Board and it will engage with investors on both resolutions to better understand the reasons behind their dissent.   An update will be published on that engagement within six months.

The Board would like to remind shareholders that, as reported in the Company's annual report, Mr Dicks will be standing down as a Director on 31 December 2024.


  1. Votes "For" and "Against" are expressed as a percentage of votes received.
  2. A vote "Withheld" is not a vote in law and is not counted in the
     calculation of the percentage of shares shown as voted "For" or "Against".
  3. Total number of shares in issue at 6.00pm on 20 September 2024 was
  4. A copy of the full text of Resolutions 11 to 13 will be submitted to the
     National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at:

  1. These proxy results together with a shareholder presentation will be
     available shortly on Company's website at


Northern Trust Secretarial Services (UK) Limited

Company Secretary


24 September 2024